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Hearing aid customization means creating a one-of-a-kind hearing aid that fits your exact ear anatomy for optimal comfort and performance. With these hearing aids, you'll enjoy amazing comfort and full compatibility with our SurfLink® products.


The art and science of custom hearing aids

Hearing aid customization means creating a one-of-a-kind hearing aid that fits your exact ear anatomy for optimal comfort and performance. No two ears are alike, and that’s why we were the first to offer customization and are still the leaders in custom solutions today.


MicroTech is the world’s most experienced and qualified manufacturer of custom products. Our custom product team includes more than 800 people directly involved in engineering, building and delivering custom products. And they’re committed to creating unique, comfortable, customized hearing aids specifically for you. With Portrait you'll enjoy amazing comfort and performance, and full compatibility with our SurfLink products for carefree connectivity and control.


Personalization perfected

MicroTech’s comfortable custom hearing aids deliver the most personalized hearing experience ever, and are designed to:

• Deliver superior sound quality and listening clarity.

• Provide effortless transitions as you go about your day.

• Preserve peace and quiet while amplifying the important things.

• Help you better understand conversations and hear comfortably.

• Stream TV, phone calls, music and more to your hearing aids.

• Give you an invisible fit with the smallest of our custom hearing aids.


The connection between health and hearing

Hearing health is directly connected to overall health and well-being. That’s been proven, and it means that people who are able to hear can engage with the world around them and live better and healthier lives. A growing body of evidence points to a connection between hearing health and overall health. People who treat their hearing loss not only hear better, but may lower their risk for serious health issues such as cognitive decline and dementia.

Portrait offers a hearing solution personalized just for you so you can stay engaged with friends and family, enjoy the activities you love, and live a full and healthy life.


Invisible custom hearing aids

In 2010, we leveraged our expertise as the world’s largest manufacturer of custom hearing aids, to create the Invisible-In-the-Canal (IIC) hearing aid.* We were the first hearing aid manufacturer to bring this popular style to market. IIC custom hearing aids are tiny enough to fit well inside the ear canal so no one will notice you’re wearing them.


In most ears, they’re completely unseen and are custom made to fit comfortably in your unique ear anatomy. And they won’t get tangled or pulled off when wearing or removing face masks. Plus, you can enjoy hands-free connectivity and media streaming from your smartphone to your hearing aids with our easy-to-use SurfLink accessories.


What living better sounds like

An invisible And custom fit: Portrait hearing aids fit deep inside your ear canal and are personally customized to you for all-day comfort.

Easily adapt to new sounds:Quick transitions to hearing aids by gradually adjusting settings to allow your brain to get used to new sounds.

Better wireless streaming: Technology that provides consistent wireless performance while streaming TV, music and other media with SurfLink Mobile 2, SurfLink Mini Mobile and other SurfLink accessories.

A comfortable, personalized listening experience: Sound comfort technology designed to provide distortion-free listening comfort for loud sounds while ensuring ultimate clarity for soft sounds.

No buzzing or whistling:MicroTech’s best-in-class feedback cancellation system provides feedbackfree, comfortable listening all-day long.

Music the way it was meant to be heard:  A design that allows you to experience music in a whole new way. Now you can hear every note the way the artist intended — with pure, refined sound quality.

Customizable tinnitus relief:Advanced Multiflex Tinnitus Technology integrated into Portrait to bring relief to those who suffer from ringing in the ears.

Microtech Portrait

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